Michele Kearney's Nuclear Wire

Major Energy and Environmental News and Commentary affecting the Nuclear Industry.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Letter to New York Times commenting on article entitled "Blamed for Wildfires, PG&E Seeks Higher Electricity Rates."

Dear New York Times Editors:

April 25, 2019

Please publish my 192-word letter to the editor in response to Ivan Penn's
informative  April 23, 2019 news story, "Blamed for Wildfires, PG&E Seeks
Higher Electricity Rates"


Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc., (CGNP) is  an independent
nonprofit intervenor in several proceedings now  before the California
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC.) CGNP underscores  the critical role
nuclear power plays in fighting climate change. CGNP opposes fossil-fuel
advocacy for policies that "embed" large amounts of natural-gas-fired
generation in the power grid - needlessly inflating costs. In typical
special-interest fashion, PG&E is now requesting an exorbitant return on
equity instead of focusing on bringing the rest of PG&E to the high safety
standards of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP.)  Zero-carbon  DCPP
annually produces more than five Hoover Dams of electricity at a price
below in-state fossil generation.

CGNP continues to pursue legal challenges to PG&E's plans to close the
highly-functioning DCPP  in 2025 to boost corporate profits. The facts are
on CGNP's side. CGNP will eventually prevail on merits.

We are encouraging New York State nuclear power advocates to help protect
Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) from  wasteful, premature closure in
about two years. The safe, abundant, cost-effective IPEC protects the
lives of millions of New Yorkers from freezing during recurrent polar
vortices when the supply of natural gas is sharply curtailed.


Thank you.

Gene Nelson, Ph.D.  CGNP Legal Assistant
Californians for Green Nuclear Power, Inc. (CGNP)
1375 East Grand Ave Ste 103 #523
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2421
(805) 363 - 4697 cell
Government@CGNP.org email
http://CGNP.org  website

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